Once a while people ask where they can buy a 3dChessboard. Too bad that we still did not found anybody who is producing ore selling them. So you will find here Building Specifications, a VRML-Board and Software to visualize a game virtualy.. Further notes to producer who once sold boards but don't do it anymore.
Building Specifications
# build_cl-TOS.pdf »download
Original form from the Classic Episodes (pdf) 164 KB
Manufacture Guide
Travel 3d-Chess from Jens Meder- english
Virtual Board
# 3d-board.wrl »download
VRML-Board. (Browser-PlugIn needed) 20 KB
WINDOWS 3d-chesssoftware, english
Franklin Mint
brought up two version during the 90s, a Classic- and a TNG Version. Was found under: www.thechessstore.com.
Boelter Design
was authorised producer for a classic-version in original size. Just a few where produced and sold. may be found on online-auctions.

Building Specifications TOS

Building Specifications Travel


Parmen Software

Boelter Design